Parshutkin Serhii Petrovych
Investment amount, USD
1 Rovenky Street, Novyi Mizun Village, Kalush District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine
Development of a tourism and rehabilitation complex in the Carpathians with modern infrastructure, a rehabilitation center for veterans, ecological initiatives, and renewable energy solutions
Preparatory stage, documentation development, investor and partner search
Коротка презентація

Sanatorium “Novyi Mizun” is a large-scale project that combines the development of tourism infrastructure, rehabilitation of veterans and military-disabled individuals, and environmental protection of the Carpathians. Its implementation includes:
- Establishment of a rehabilitation center with modern medical equipment and swimming pools for the recovery of military personnel and civilians.
- Development of tourism infrastructure with hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities.
- Use of renewable energy sources (hydroelectric power and solar panels) for environmental sustainability.
- Creation of over 150 new jobs in the region.
- Water purification and protection of the Carpathian ecosystem through new wastewater treatment plants and septic system upgrades.
- Restoration of the “Ukrainian Carpathians” narrow-gauge railway as a tourist attraction.
- Construction of a facility for drying Carpathian herbs, mushrooms, and berries.
The project is ready for implementation and requires strategic investors and government support.
More opportunities in Tourism
Implementation of green tourism with houses on spiral stilts, 4 km long
Kirovohrad, Investment potential: 376,884$
Creation of a center for sports and tourism development and implementation European-level motor and car racinf competitions
Kirovohrad, Investment potential: 24,145$
Restoration and maintenance of the hydrological regime of Lake Chekha
Sumy, Investment potential: 2,620,000$
Creation of the ecological sports and recreation leisure center
Dnipro, Investment potential: 1,800,000$
Invest in Ukraine now
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