Smart city (micro-district)
Investment potential: 27,100,000$
Investment potential: 27,100,000$
Expansion of the scope of services of the utility company "Dobroslav"
Investment potential: 100,949,737$
Investment potential: 100,949,737$
Logistics hub
Investment potential: 162,477,005$
Investment potential: 162,477,005$
Creation of a modern medical and health complex Orlivshchyna village
Investment potential: 6,521,029$
Investment potential: 6,521,029$
Creation of AdBlue production
Investment potential: 10,741,300$
Investment potential: 10,741,300$
Industrial Park «SystemCenter»
Investment potential: 334,581,083$
Investment potential: 334,581,083$
Gas-piston power stations (GPPS)
Investment potential: 1,486,700,000$
Investment potential: 1,486,700,000$
Rehabilitation and Recreational Complex
Investment potential: 22,495,025$
Investment potential: 22,495,025$
Energy independent community: Construction of a 5MW Solar Power Plant
Investment potential: 244,494,667$
Investment potential: 244,494,667$
Implementation of intensive technologies for growing nuts (hazelnuts and almonds)
Investment potential: 181,531,075$
Investment potential: 181,531,075$