CheckEye is a Ukrainian cloud-based solution for early diseases diagnosis developed by Ukrainian IT specialists in partnership with leading research institutes in the eye-care area. Diagnosis made from fundus photographic images using a machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) algorithm. Up to date we developed MVP and started clinical trials.
The first field results show a 92% accuracy in diabetic retinopathy (DR) diagnosis and in 82% CheckEye determines the correct stage, which is better than average for humans especially in rural areas. So, our solution can compensate lack of professional doctors or infrastructure and enables AI-based diseases’ diagnosis and mass screening in the rural area, areas where hospital destroyed due to the war.
According to the International Diabetes Federation, every person with diabetes is at risk of the total loss of vision. In Ukraine alone, there are almost 2.3 million people affected by diabetes. This statistic is poised to get worse with the effects of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. As stress is one of the leading causes of diabetes, the war is sure to cause the number of patients to go up. According to the latest research, stress related to the war can lead to an increase of diabetes cases up to 25% of the adult population. On top of that, as more people are becoming internally displaced due to the ongoing military aggression, they are losing contact with their general health practitioner which means delays in diagnosing diabetes and because of that delayed eye screening. Most of them may develop some form of DR in the future, causing reduced vision or, in the worst cases, blindness.
The World Health Organization estimates that after 15 years of diabetes, approximately 2% of people become blind, and 10% develop serious visual impairment. So, about 3% of Ukrainian population become blind through next 15 years and we can help to prevent it!
Despite Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, the CheckEye leadership team continues to work in the country and conducting a full-scale screening of patients with diabetes in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine in the June-December 2022, in partnership with the Ukrainian Diabetic Federation (UDF). During these trials we take the British DR screening program as a benchmark, where the sensitivity is 80% and the specificity is 95% with a standard waiting period of 6 weeks. We want to show that Check Eye will currently show a sensitivity of 90% (superiority) and a specificity of 87% (inferior by 8%) with a waiting time less an hour.
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