Сonstruction of complex for storage of fruit and vegetable products and its sorting (Petrykivska TC)
Construction of a complex designed for high-quality storage of fruits and vegetables, followed by sorting, packing, delivery to consumers. Project implementation is expected in the operating space of farming enterprise «Vidrodzhennia», which is placed near existing garden.
Total complex capacity will be 5 000 tons.
Market outlets: wholesale markets, trading networks of Ukraine.
Project goals:
- the construction of complex for storage of fruit and vegetable products and its sorting provides the opportunity to comply with requirements for entering to the outlet chain, namely: annual product delivery, high volumes, lot homogeneity;
- the capacity of sorting line is 40 tons of the products per shift. It is supposed the everyday shipment of production to the trade networks during 11 months;
- it is planned to access to international markets of fruits and vegetables;
- the opportunity of project scale expansion: in the long term it is expected the extension of space for gardens and small fruit acreage up to 105 ha and for vegetables up to 100 ha;
- creation of more than 150 jobs.
Land plot characteristics:
- area: 2.4 ha;
- intended use: for conducting of the commodity agricultural production;
- cadastral number: issued;
- leaseholder: farming enterprise «Vidrodzhennia».
Engineering infrastructure:
water, gas and electricity are available and does not require any additional investments.
Initiator contribution to the project implementation:
- a project for a refrigeration complex (5,000 tons);
- a refrigeration complex, with a volume of 500 tons;
- a transformer, weigh office, an office building;
- a well with drinking water.
Transport infrastructure:
- 4 km to the highway Dnipro-Poltava-Kyiv;
- 25 km to the railway station.
Main activities: cultivation of agricultural products:
- fruits (apples) – 2400 tonnes;
- berries (strawberry) ‒ 50 tonnes;
- vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions) ‒ 5000 tonnes.
The complex will provide:
- high-quality storage and marketability of the fruits;
- uniformity of products supply throughout the year irrespective of seasonal cultivation;
- minimal natural wastage;
- profitability increase due to price changes in different seasons;
- added value.
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