Agricultural products processing enterprise

Volodymyr Deineka
Investment amount, USD
Region Volyn
Sector Food and processing industry
Location Volyn region; Kovelsky district; village Zhyrychi
Status The project is at the initial stage (a detailed business plan has been developed, after the analysis the project is ready to start financing)
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Agricultural products processing enterprise

According to the calculations of the business plan: 21 people will be employed; will be processed up to 4500 kg. raw materials per day; the profitability of the company (return on investment) is 23%; the payback period of the project is 5 years (in connection with the situation in Ukraine, the investment return period will be increased to 10 years); the developed project has low risk.

At the expense of the received investments, a processing plant will be built enterprise with a total area of 1000 m2 (50mx20mx5m) with a workshop processing (washing, cleaning, inspection, slicing, drying, grinding, packaging lines), as well as refrigerating and freezing chambers for storing both raw materials and finished products. The building will have office space and a store selling finished products. The necessary production equipment will be purchased, and production will be launched. Own transport will be purchased.

When creating a processing enterprise, there will be other approaches are used, because the main goal will be not to make money as much capital as possible, namely to create an enterprise that should process local raw materials and at the same time provide an opportunity for both temporary and permanent income for the local population, while producing products that will enrich the diet of a large part of consumers. Of course, any entrepreneurial activity should bring profit, but the profit will be considered only as a reward for the spent efforts and time, because the goal will be completely different and it will be achieved.

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