Construction of a residential complex of economy class «SMART PAVLOGRAD»

Pavlohrad city council
Region Dnipro
Sector Construction
Location Pavlohrad
Opportunity land lease
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Construction of a residential complex of economy class «SMART PAVLOGRAD»

Two land plots located next to each other are proposed for the construction of a modern residential area with developed infrastructure.

Project goals:

  • making a profit through the sale and lease of premises to business entities;
  • solve the problem of housing for socially unprotected categories of citizens;
  • increase the general mobility of labor resources and create conditions for stopping the outflow of the population from the city by building affordable housing;
  • expansion of business opportunities and search for new partners;
  • increase in revenue from taxation to the local budget, development of the city’s economy;
  • provision of the city amenities.

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