Energy Storage System (Solar Power Plant 27,600 MW (АС) / 36,500 MW (DC)

SPP Development Ukraine
Investment amount, USD
Region Kyiv
Sector Fuel and Energy
Location Kyiv region, Ukraine
Opportunity Investment funds, state funding, investor funds, credit funds, and other sources
Status Ready-to-build - IV quarter 2023
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Energy Storage System (Solar Power Plant 27,600 MW (АС) / 36,500 MW (DC)

The project will reach the Ready to Build Stage in the IV quarter of 2023.

Localization of this Solar Power Plant with a Energy Storage System creates an opportunity for efficient power generation in a region that can help provide additional resources to cover peak power demand, especially during periods of peak demand.

The positive impact of the project will also be in ensuring sustainable energy independence and reducing CO2 emissions.

The following works have been accomplished thus far: 

1. Town planning documentation and master plan: Completed and Approved. 
2. Geological and geodetic research: Completed. 
3. Technical Conditions: Received and Approved.

Design documentation is currently in the process of being completed and approved.

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