Project initiator seeks to develop the theater and leadership in the field of stage illusion in Ukraine by acquiring the necessary equipment for demonstrations, technical and office provision of performances.
Currently, the theater puts on stage independent shows and productions, has a full cycle: from the direction, sound and lighting design to the demonstration of the performance of the finished form of content and idea.
The Theatre consists of professional actors with extensive experience in stage illusion. The repertoire of the theater already has several performances: “Touch of Magic”, “Christmas Magic”, “World of Magic” and others.
A large repertoire of illusion show numbers and programs has been developed.
Project goals:
- achievement of stable schedule of theatrical performances – 12 or more performances per month;
- development of touring activity in the cities of Ukraine. To visit two cities monthly;
- constant participation in charity events – at least four events monthly;
- Creation of a children’s theater studio. To organize and conduct master-classes on demonstration of tricks;
- To become a reliable source of filling the state budget of Ukraine with money from taxes;
- To create 10 workplaces.
Total project cost: $ 16 thousd.
Economic indicators of the project are calculated depending on the filling of the auditorium, the effectiveness of marketing activities.
Duration: 10 months
Directions for investment:
- props for the performance (sawing table, equipment for levitation, box-cage for “disappearing objects”, costumes, stage decoration materials, suitcase magician for performances);
- technical and office support for the performances (furniture, computer equipment, sound equipment, stationery, apparatus);
- vehicle for touring activities.
Initiator Resources:
- room up to 200 m²;
- independent shows, productions, performances;
- illusionary show numbers and programs;
- direction, sound and light design;
- promotional materials;
- Internet resources;
- human resources (professional actors, a magician illusionist);
- client base.
We plan to develop social projects at the expense of the profit:
- “Ukrainian Soapboxes” – creation of methodological materials for children with speech defects (defects) with their subsequent free transfer to specialized educational and training institutions;
- “Honey Heart” – aimed at providing temporarily displaced people from the war zones with the things of prime necessity and food;
- Children’s Honey Hub – a children’s art center.
As a volunteer activity, Theater of Magic has repeatedly shown performances at important social institutions such as:
- military hospitals;
- Temporary placement center for low-mobile elderly people and people with disabilities, evacuated from hot spots “Ocean of Kindness” Dnipro city;
- “Dovira” social support center for children, Dnepr;
- “Polyvanov orphanage” of the Dnipropetrovsk regional council and others.
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