Industrial Park ROSTAGROPROM

Private Enterprise «Company Rostok-Agro»
Investment amount, USD
Region Kirovohrad
Sector Industrial park
Location Kropyvnitskiy, Adzhamskaya str. 27, Ukraine
Opportunity Co-financation: partly STATE, partly own money, partly private investors
Status In the process of registration of Industrial Park. Some small projects are building now
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The industrial park is being created with the aim of increasing investment attractiveness, increasing the economic and investment potential of the Kropyvnytskiy region.

The tasks of creating an Industrial Park are :

  • to create conditions for conducting business within the industrial park;
  • an effective tool for attracting internal and external investors;
  • new jobs, including for highly qualified personnel.

The functional purpose of the Industrial Park is the location and operation of processing and other industry enterprises, customs and licensing warehouses, warehouses for storing agricultural and other products, provision of services, etc.

The main projects that will be realized first of all are:

  • customs-licensed warehouse
  • an elevator
  • seed plant
  • a plant for recycling plastic waste
  • solar substation
  • sunflower oil processing plant
  • a plant for the production of meal

The expected aim of the project is to create one unique complex for supporting the economy of Kropivnitskiy region and its farmers.

The creation and development of the industrial park “Rostagroprom” will create conditions for:

  • supporting the integrating role of Kropyvnytskyi as the center of economic and social development of the Kropyvnitskiy region;
  • increasing the investment attractiveness of the city of Kropyvnytskyi for investors, including foreign ones;
  • creation of new places of jobs for residents of the city of Kropyvnytskyi and nearby settlements at enterprises with a modern technological cycle and a decent level of remuneration;
  • activation of innovation and investment activities in the context of modern challenges;
  • production of domestic regional competitive products with a high share of added value;
  • infrastructure development of the city of Kropyvnytskyi, relocation of industrial enterprises outside the city, redevelopment of industrial territories;
  • promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises at the local level;
  • implementation of import substitution policy at the regional level;
  • increase in revenues to the governmental budgets of all levels.

The industrial park is planned on the territory of an already operating enterprise – a distributor of seeds and crop protection products. The company has 13 years of experience in conducting business in various crisis of economic and is also very adaptable to market conditions.

Planned objects of engineering and technical infrastructure:

  • Lighting. Arrangement of external lighting of access roads and adjacent territory. (Done)
  • Railway. It is planned to provide the territory of the facility with an access railway for the purpose of placing and registering a customs-licensed warehouse on the territory of the industrial park. (Terms: till 2024)
  • Motorway. An access road is planned, as a continuation of the entrance from Ajamska street, which is part of the T1205 highway of territorial importance, to ensure two entrances of road transport to the territory of the object ( terms: till 2024)
    The network of roads and driveways will provide the logistics needs of enterprises operating within the industrial park. Parking spaces for employees and visitors, as well as truck parking, are provided near each enterprise.
  • Water supply. Water supply is expected from the existing water supply networks of the Ingul Mine of the State Enterprise “SkhidGZK”. (Done)
  • Sewage. Domestic wastewater is expected to be discharged to local sewage treatment plants with subsequent discharge to filtration and enrichment trenches after seven-stage purification.(Done)
  • Electricity supply. Electricity supply of existing objects is carried out from the existing KTP. Pre-project work on the arrangement of engineering infrastructure envisages the placement of two transformer substations with a capacity of 2×1200 kVA on the master plan scheme (terms: till 2025)

The facilities that are planned to be placed on the territory of the industrial park will require an increase in electric power. The project envisages the construction of a solar power plant. (Terms: till 2026)

  • Heat supply is assumed to be local for each object. The type of fuel is solid fuel. (Done)
  • Improvement. Works on the construction of engineering infrastructure provide for comprehensive landscaping. The development plan of the Industrial Park “Rostagroprom” An approximate version of the distribution of the territory is proposed as follows:
  • territories with existing buildings and structures that can be used as intended, or be reconstructed for administrative, administrative-domestic, production, warehouse and auxiliary buildings; (Partly done)
  • territories free from development, which can be conditionally divided into 8 plots:
    Plot 1. The total area is 0.2817 hectares. Pre-project works envisage the placement of an administrative center with two administrative buildings, parking spaces, landscaping. (Partly done)
    Plot 2. The total area is 3.0905 hectares. Pre-project works envisage the placement of customs-licensed warehouses with the organization of a railway entrance with an unloading ramp, own administrative and household premises, parking spaces and parking spaces for cars, landscaping. (Terms:till 2025)
    Plot 3. The total area is 2.5432 ha. Pre-project works envisage the placement of a seed plant with a capacity of 200 t/day, with production and warehouse buildings, parking and administrative spaces, landscaping. (Partly done. Need investments for additional equipment)
    Plot 4. The total area is 0.2980 ha. Pre-project works envisage the placement of a grain storage warehouse on the floor, with a capacity of 2,500 tons, parking spaces for cars and parking, own administrative and household premises, landscaping. (Done)
    Plot 5. The total area is 0.2000 ha. Pre-project works envisage the placement of a pesticide storage warehouse with a capacity of 2,000 tons, car parking and parking spaces, own administrative and household premises, landscaping. (Done)
    Plot 6. The total area is 3.2762 hectares. Pre-project works envisage the placement of a solar power plant with a capacity of 1 MW, with the placement of photovoltaic modules, access roads for their maintenance, a complete transformer substation, and an auxiliary building. (Terms: till 2027)
    Plot 7. Reserve plot for the placement of investors’ productions, with a total area of 1.2479 hectares. Plot 8. Reserve plot for the placement of investors’ productions, with a total area of 2.7311 hectares.

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