Industrial park in Shyrokivsʹka community of Zaporizhzhia district, Zaporizhzhia region

Shyrokivsʹka village council of the Zaporizhia district of the Zaporizhia region
Region Zaporizhzhia
Sector Industrial park
Location Shyroke village
Opportunity The creation of clusters in the industrial sphere, the foundation for the development of technological production, the territory of ecological innovations and the development of IT technologies, the creation of logistics centers and centers in the territory of the Shirokiv community
Status ready for implementation
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The territory from 40 to 200 hectares is suitable for the creation of a modern industrial park and logistics centre (route H08, nearby 2 regional centres) to stimulate the industrial potential of the region.

An advantage for the investor will be the proximity to the two regional centres of Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro, which allows using the personnel and technical potential, to support the construction of adjacent infrastructure facilities at the expense of the state, local budgets and other sources. Ensuring the investor’s preferential right to land use of a plot of land and its acquisition into ownership.

The financial incentive for the investor will be the exemption from payment of certain taxes and fees, and exemption from import duties on equipment and components (Customs Code of Ukraine, Tax Code of Ukraine).

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