Update of electric transport infrastructure and rolling stock of the utility company of the Sumy City Council “Electroavtotrans”

Municipal enterprise of the Sumy City Council "Electroavtotrans"
Investment amount, USD
Region Sumy
Sector Administrative and auxiliary services
Location 113, Kharkivska str., Sumy City, Ukraine, 40024
Opportunity Investment funds, state funding, investor funds / credit funds and other sources
Status project proposal
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Improvement of transportation services for residents of the Sumy urban territorial community with an environmentally friendly mode of transport.

Expected benefits of the project:

  • short implementation terms;
  • a long-term effect as a result of the project implementation (the trolley bus’s service life is 10 years);
  • reducing the level of environmental pollution thanks to the expansion of electric transport capabilities;
  • increasing and ensuring the functioning of all electric transport routes included in the trolleybus network;
  • increase in the number of passengers transported by city electric transport;
  • increasing the comfort of the transport service;
  • reduction of the number of downtimes of electric transport as a result of renewal of rolling stock;
  • provision of transportation of persons with limited physical abilities thanks to the low level of the trolleybus floor and the availability of places for children’s and wheelchairs.

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